Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Violent Posting

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night everyone. Yes, it's been a while; exam-induced hiatus spread into Christmas-fueled languor. But, no small talk. That's far too awkward. Straight on to today's topic: a sharp Slap Upside The Head.

Perhaps I'm a bit abusive. More likely, I'm referring to one of my all-time-favourite blogs. It's full of news that centers on anything and everything related to homophobia and gay rights. The author, Mark, is also an artist, so amusing cartoons accompany each post. In his most recent entry he shared some exciting information:

Great news coming out of Mexico City, just in time for Christmas!

City legislators have approved a gay marriage bill, granting equal marriage rights to all residents! The bill, which also gives gay couples the right to adopt children, was passed with a wide margin of 39 to 20 against. Mayor Marcelo Ebrard is expected to sign the bill into law quickly.

Slap Upside the Head is funny, well-written, and relevant. If you have any interest in gay rights, I highly suggest you take a look. Do it even if you don't have any interest - you might learn some surprising things. As the tag line states, the author is "combating bigotry the gayest way [he] know[s] how." The cartoons are satirical, getting straight to the point of the issue, and even more so if you read the alt-text. Overall, it's a good read and ever-important to our society.

Note: Regular posting will resume now that I'm back in school. Promise. I won't be one of those bloggers who has nine posts, then fades away into the deep recesses of the internet, never to be fathomed again. Until next time, stay classy San- uh, Edmonton.

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