Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Can See Your Thoughts

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein

Do you ever wonder... what is real?

Whether the things you touch, you see, every day - whether they are in fact actual objects, or if, perhaps, you're not even here at all? Maybe we live in a virtual world, created and fed into our brains via machines. Maybe we're not even people and our "consciousness" is merely a computer program. (If so, I call dibs on being called chip #69.) Maybe we're all psychiatric patients, hallucinating each other and everything we do.

Who knows?

In actuality, it is difficult to imagine any of these possibilities as being truthful. It goes against all sensory perception, everything we seem to experience, all logical thought. It is interesting to consider, though. These are late-night thoughts, the kind of things that float through your brain as you're drifting off to sleep. Well, my brain, at least. Perhaps you think about lemmings, or sausage. Not me. (Though lemmings are adorable; just saying.)

I hope there is another level of consciousness. Many world religions subscribe to this - that there is something more out there, a higher plane of existence, somewhere we have a greater degree of Knowing. Omniscience? Count me in, baby.

It would be enlightening, to discover something past this world. I get the feeling I would look back on this section of my life, this dumb, uninformed stage, as we look on animals now. Conscious, but not intelligent.

These are all just ramblings and musings, things to consider. I like Einstein's quote, but I don't have any solid opinions on what it could mean. Just theories and random thoughts. If it does turn out I'm nothing more than a podperson, being fed a videogame-life into my brain, well, I suppose there's really not much I can do about it.

In other news - my wordcount for NaNo is at 100,022. This is the most I've ever written, and it culminated with a mad dash against my friend Ryan to hit the 100k mark. So much fun, even if my shoulders (and my massage therapist) hate me. Overall, my best November by far. I've met some amazing people this year, ones I hope I keep in my life for a good long time.

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